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Z Media Team
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On today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z brings our attention to some advancements at CERN, a science facility whose mission is to uncover the mystery behind human existence using particle accelerator facilities. CERN has long since had a spiritual connotation after the former director revealed that they could open things to a level of welcoming things from other reality or send things into another reality. Another striking symbolism that backs up this suspicion of CERN being more than it shows, is the image of Shiva at the entrance of CERN headquarters, alongside suspected occultic activities and sacrifices alleged to be a part of their mode of operation. 

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Interestingly, Joseph references the Book of Revelation 9:1-11 to highlight the similarity between the activities at CERN and the bottomless pit. He explains the concept of eternity future and eternity past, revealing that at the end of the last days, we break into two segments of time called the tribulation; during which the body of Christ would have been raptured. This leads to the marriage supper of the lamb, which will herald the return of the Lord for the battle of Armageddon where the beast and false prophets will be thrown into a lake of fire, considered the greatest judgment in the world’s history. 

Further, he explains that wormwood or the asteroid Apophis will strike the world during the tribulation. At the end of this time, the millennium reign of Jesus begins, leading to another confrontation with the devil which will provoke God’s retaliation with fire from heaven to consume him and his battalions. Again, he discloses that the easier way to mark the end time is to watch Israel while revealing that CERN could be opening up the pit of hell into the natural. He ties all these to the unnatural events that will begin to manifest, warning about the emergence of uncontrollable weather conditions in the form of solar flares and geo storms; imparting the airlines like we’ve not seen before. 


0:00 Introduction

02:57 The Ghost of CERN

05:00 The Image of CERN

11:36 Revelation 9:11

21:00 Understanding Eternity's Future & Past

24:09 Wormwood & the Tribulation

29:05 Watch Israel for the End Time

30:36 CERN’s Symbols & Meaning

32:41 Uncontrollable Weather

37:26 Prayer: Conclusion